Pre-School & Free VPK
Starting at 2 years until 5 years old, our caring team are there for your child.
Contact us to schedule a tour.
Pre-School, Pre-Kindergarten and Free VPK Curriculum Philosophy
Our Child Care curriculum is based on the award-winning, reasearch-based Creative Curriculum. The Creative Curriculum features exploration and discovery as a way of learning, enabling children to develop confidence, creativity, and critical thinking skills. It is based on 38 objectives for development and learning that are fully aligned with the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework and state early learning standards.
Included in all programs is a nutritious breakfast, lunch and snacks. All food is prepared in-house by our kitchen staff.

Terrific Twos (2-Year Old’s)
Our inquisitive twos classroom is made up of developmentally appropriate learning centers that encourage children to be self-sufficient, while fostering an understanding of basic concept. Our twos have many opportunities to practice their growing sense of independence and to develop their emotional and social skills. Sharing toys and using words to express their emotions are two of our specific goals.

Transitional Twos & Threes
As an extension of the twos program, we continue motivating them on their educational skills while making them independent during their potty training. In this classroom there is a joint effort with the parent starting the toilet training at home, so we can continue the process here throughout the day. Our children will gain a sense of independence with the potty training experience. We recommend that stocking your child with pull-ups or cotton training underwear along with extra clothes is important for great success.

Pre-K 3 – 4
Exploring, investigating and discovering are the key elements of our preschool curriculum. At Hi-Tech, we follow the Creative Curriculum along with integrating High Reach and High Scope. We find these combined together make the whole successful child. In our learning centers and small group times, children are engaged in math, science, cooking, language, art, music, dramatic play, and computer experiences. Children learning activities revolve around directed themes. These include self-directed and group-directed experiences which gain focus through the children interests and questions.
The computer lab is where children ages 3 and older can participate and interact with educational games. For protection and security, there is absolutely NO INTERNET ACCESS. Our educational software has been appropriately chosen for all age groups.

VPK (4-5 Year-Olds)
We prepare children for kindergarten, giving them a solid foundation for school success. They are involved in writing skills, language play, math and science experiences. Children have the opportunity to utilize multimedia computer software that allows them to work interactively. Children are prepared in all areas so that they enter Kindergarten well prepared and excited to learn.
The computer lab is where children ages 3 and older can participate and interact with educational games. For protection and security, there is absolutely NO INTERNET ACCESS. Our educational software has been appropriately chosen for all age groups.